SALES / SUPPORT : 844-232-4816
SALES / SUPPORT : 844-232-4816
Open Contest
Last Logged in : 555days23hrs ago
Caribbean Oceanfront Vacation Rental Logo
Cane Bay Sanctuary
This logo will represent feelings of relaxation, peace, love and connection with the Caribbean Sea and the beautiful beings that live under the water, like dolphins, whales and sea turtles.
Abstract Mark
Blue,Light Green,Gray,
I would like a whale tale coming out of the top of the text:
Cane Bay Sanctuary...maybe with some water splashing around the text... or a sea turtle swimming up behind the text, or above it..or the text embedded in the shell of the turtle... Classy, clean, easy to read.
Project Holder
Project Holder
Project Holder
Project Holder
Project Holder
#60 Please change Sanctuary to the dark blue color, and can you make the y font have a bottom like #62 so it loops around?
#64: Can I see what the turtle shell looks like if you put a line to complete the shell? IE--no blank space where the base of the whale tale touches the shell... put a line there to close off the shell. (I hope that makes sense.)
Project Holder
Project Holder
I like the new font on #54 and I live the blue water swirly under Cane. I'm just not crazy about the turtle. I like the turtle in #50 better. I prefer it going up at an angle instead of straight up. Angle it to the right and simplify what's in the shell. It's too busy now. You can make the back flippers smaller/rounder so it fits better at an angle.
Project Holder
#30, #29 #42: Love them.
• #30, #29 & #42: Can you change SANCTUARY to the same blue color as CANE BAY?
• In #42, SANCTUARY is too small…. I love what you did with the humpback whale, but SANCTUARY needs to be larger (and navy blue). I like the waves in #31--maybe you can do something like that under SANCTUARY (it might make it too busy, though--you could do that in #41 and add a spout of water coming out of the A of CANE--maybe angling to the right a bit so as not to get in the way of the tail--or make the whale less curved).
• (I love your other turtle design too (#25)-beautiful--it just feels more like Hawaii than the Caribbean).
Thanks, great job!
#28: Love it-So creative with the whale tale in the turtle shell. I also love the water drops on the C and the y on both ends.
• Can you clean up the “a” and “n” in “Cane”? The tail on the a is too think and I don’t like the extra line in the “n” (the thin one going up). Same for the “a” in Bay. I also don’t like the thin line going up in the B, or the thin line going across the lower part of the B, over to the a (just remove that).
• Also, can you change the color of SANCTUARY to the same blue as Cane Bay and make it a bit larger? Maybe you can change the lower part of the B so you can make SANCTUARY bigger. It gets lost as it is now. I prefer the green that Kanvas Queen used in her designs, can you change your green to something like that? It’s a bit more lime green.
• I also really like #3--it’s very clean and simple. I wouldn’t mind seeing that with the whale tail filled in-dark blue and the waves with maybe a light blue fill, and a yellow sun behind the tail…also SANCTUARY could be a bit larger.) You can leave #3 as is, and work on a copied version, as I do like the clean and simple current version of #3 too.
Thanks, great job!