SALES / SUPPORT : 844-232-4816
SALES / SUPPORT : 844-232-4816
Open Contest
Last Logged in : 906days5hrs ago
Personal logo for motorhome
Moondance, MoonDance or Moon Dance
My wife and I met dancing 33 years ago (swing and country & western). We recently bought a motorhome and named it Moondance. I want a logo to produce a decal for the door of the motorhome - this is personal, not web, business or commercial use. I envision either a full moon with silhouette of dancers in front of the moon, or a crescent moon with the dancers in the open space of the crescent. Logo should also include the word Moondance. Could also be MoonDance or possibly split on two lines. I’m attaching some Google logos along with swing and country dance samples (could be either) for inspiration. Pain scheme on the motorhome is blue, black, gold/brown on an off-white background and the colors should complement this.
See idescription of what we're looking for
not sure
Will upload samples I found through Google - nothing hits it exactly, but will hopefully give you some ideas.