Fantastic Physical Therapy Logos

alphabet logo polygons forming Letter A create a text logo modern in L frames alphabets logo Letter L in shape of man swoosh

Fit Collection of Physical Therapy Logo Designs

Make a Physical Therapy logo for Free


Start with Search

Enter your business name in the search box and select physical therapy. Our free logo maker will present you with hundreds of physiotherapy logo templates. Choose the one you find perfect for your brand and make it your unique physical therapy brand identity for your clinic.


Edit to Personalize

You have the option to edit and personalize your physical therapy logo with our editor. Add the right colors, layout, and fonts that reflect the healing powers of your physiotherapy brand. The AI-powered logo generator can be used to customize graphics to make your design come to life.


Download for Use

Once your heart's content with the physiotherapy logo design you’ve created, you can export it in an appropriate file format. Simply proceed to checkout to get your design in PDF, JPEG, or PNG formats from the logo editor tool, and use it in both prints and digital branding.


Start Making Custom Physical Therapy Logos Now!

Four Important Physiotherapy Logo Elements

Logo Symbol


For your physiotherapy logo, look for the symbols that showcase your line of practice. For example, symbols like a person exercising or stretching, acrobats, massage icons, healing symbols like leaves or trees, a cross symbol, bones and joints, etc. are best. Your job is to improve the health and wellness of your customers or heal their bodies. Your physical therapy logo should build trust and show a promise of good health, only then will your customers come to get your healing services.

Color Palette

Color Choices

You want your physiotherapy logo to connect with your target audience when they see your brand symbol or visit your clinic. To do so, select a color palette that inspires a sense of healing and tranquility in your customers. For your physical therapy logo, opt for shades of green and blue to reflect positivity and well-being. Purple evokes feelings of uplifting and spiritual healing. Mix up different color combinations to create a logo that looks professional as well as approachable.

Font Choice


Typographic choices can give a unique personality to your physical therapy logo. Choose Sans-serif fonts such as Comfortaa, Montserrat, and Poppins fonts to make your design stand out from the competition. Make sure to add enough spacing between the letters to let your fonts breathe. You can also use thinner fonts to make your logo look spacious and create a sense of openness.

Design Layout


If you want your physiotherapy logo to look good on your brand website, or social media, design a simple and minimal design. A simple design puts your company name in the spotlight and makes your physical therapy logo memorable and easy to reproduce. Popular logo designs in this category include symbols in between the text, negative space logos, or simple wordmark or lettermark. Preview your physical therapy logo to see how the layout turns out on your print merchandise.

Design Layout

Create Your Logo Now By Entering a Keyword