Delightful Bakery Logos

Background Pink Circle
Design a Letter I logo inside square with lines Letter R logo made of lines and inside square food logo dessert clouds and cherry

Tasteful Bakery Logo Design Templates for Branding

Bake it ‘till you make it with a perfect modern bakery logo for your business! Our free bakery logos are regularly requested by pastry stores, bakeries, wedding cake designers, catering businesses, diners, donut and coffee shop logos! Make a free baker logo using our bakery logo maker to help you design logos, such as an appetizing slice of a mudslide cake covered in chocolate with a cherry on top, or an image of a croissant, a loaf of French bread inside of a circle or cute cupcake logo ! Whether it is a homemade bakery, a flour bakery logo, or baker logo you can make your own design right now and download in minutes using our free logo maker.

Create a Bakery Logo for Free


Pick a Symbol

Type in your shop’s name, sit back and let our AI-powered logo maker present you delicious bakery logos. Browse through folds of stunning bakeshop logo design templates to find the one you like. Select, save and personalize it to your own liking.



In the bakery logo editor, choose from multiple color palettes, shades, or tones. Play with icons or shapes that represent your bakehouse’s personality. In a few easy steps create a sweet bakeshop logo that triggers your customers’ sugar cravings.


Download for Use

To grab your freshly created logo for bakery branding, all you need to do is download your files from our design studio. You can easily get your bakeshop logo design in PDF, JPEG, and PNG formats and start using it to promote your business online or offline.


Start Making Custom Bakery Logos Now!

Unique Bakery Logo Elements

Logo Symbol


The first ingredient to make an outstanding bakery logo is the graphics and symbols that go into it. For your bakeshop logo, some icons can be pastries, slices of cake, cherries, croissants, a loaf of bread, a cute cupcake or warm cookies. Look for the symbols that are popular in the industry and see how these add a magical touch to your baker logo template. But if you don’t want to include any symbol, make sure your bakery name is prominent and preferably in the center to get the spotlight.

Color Palette

Color Swatches

Choose the right color palettes to create an unforgettable bakery logo. For your savory and sweet bakeshop brand identity, you can go with tones like beige, warm orange, or chocolate brown. To give a pop of colors to your bakery logo, add eye-catching purples, cotton candy pink, tempting yellow or blue. Make a logo that reminds people of colorful candies and desserts. It doesn’t matter what baked goodies you sell, you are sure to hit the spot with these color.

Font Choice

Font Choice

When you enter a patisserie you are instantly greeted with sweet-smelling baked goods and you get a warm cozy feeling. Now recreate this feeling by using the right font pairings to match your brand’s message. Many bakery logos use handwritten script fonts to create that homemade look, or you can also play with fonts outside this family. Fonts such as Americana Bakery, Handcraft Chalk font, Brandcake font, Glamoush font, etc are classic choices for bakery brand logos. Use them to tickle customers’ taste buds.

Design Layout

Design Layout

You will use your bakery logo to brand your business cards, website, cake boxes, carry-on paper bags, signboards, or other promotional print materials. Wordmark, mascot, symbol in a shape, monogram, or text in a ribbon banner are some of the most widely used designs for bakery logos. While designing, test for legibility and uniqueness. It all comes down to sticking in the memory of your customers, so if your baker logo design is not memorable you won’t be able to compete successfully.

Design Layout

Create Your Logo Now By Entering a Keyword

Frequently Asked Questions Bakery

Can I use baking icons for my bakery branding?

Sure you can. Your bakery branding does not have to only consist of your brand name; you can add relevant baking icons to elevate your whole look. These may include cupcake logos, cookies, donuts, muffins, and assorted breads.

The additional benefit of using such symbols in your bakery shop logo is that people can look at the delicious icons and may feel a sudden urge to buy your baking products right away. So not only the logo will help with your bakery branding but may play its role in your sale increases, too. Win win.

What kind of bakery logo ideas can I find in your gallery?

There are so many! You can find bakery logo ideas consisting of cookie icons, cupcake logos, chef hats, rolling pin, and so much more.

We have such an extensive variety of bakery logo designs that if you aren’t focused in your search, it may become overwhelming. So we suggest having some design guidelines that can help you stay focused in your search. Depending on your unique design, you can choose between muffin logos, donut icons, cake symbols with smiley faces, or cookies with different shapes.

If you’re looking forbakery logo design inspiration, our logo gallery is more than prepared to take care of your needs.

Do you offer vintage bakery logo designs?

Sure, we do. Our vintage bakery logo designs will take you on a trip down memory lane with classic icons and earthy colors that are popular in vintage logo designs. Such designs often consist of symbols of shields and emblems surrounding relevant bakery logos

Our retro bakery logos are created by professional designers who take care of each and every aspect of the design from lines, to colors, to fonts. While most popular vintage colors are beige, brown and white for vintage bakery logo designing, we also use a pop of pink here and there to make a design stand out.

Once you find your perfect logo design perfect logo design, stick to it and make any necessary changes via our customization studio.

How can I brand my bakery using a pastry logo?

Step 1:Start by browsing through our logo gallery to find the right pastry logo that you want to use as your brand symbol.

Step 2 Then select your bakery logo template

Step 3: The next step is about customization of the design. In this step you choose colors, themes, and font styles etc. that you want to be a part of your brand. These colors will match the theme of your store so people can connect the brand to your physical location. In the customization studio panel, you’ll also add your brand name and tagline to the logo to complete the process of brand identity designing.

Step 4 Lastly, just download the pastry shop logo design you’ve just created and enjoy your new brand image.

What images are best for designing a baker’s logo?

A baker’s logo can consist of a chef hat icon coupled with a mustache, or you can pair it with other icons like a leaf or a whisk. Or perhaps you want to have a more fun design with cutlery coming out of a chef hat.

Speaking of chef hats, it is a classic icon often used to represent bakers everywhere. You can make this baker logo icon uniquely yours by adding relevant details. Then sport it simply on your wordmark logo, draw it in line art, choose an abstract design, or have steam coming out of it.

Whichever design you choose, just make sure it has a natural connection to the kind of culinary business you’re running so the design doesn’t look out of place.